Thursday, January 17, 2013

Ultimate Tree House

Roost and Inhabit are both designed to blend fully into their natural surroundings

Both homes were designed by Antony Gibbon

Designer Anthony Gibbon has designed a new way of living. These houses are designed to be a pod-like structure surrounded by a wall purely blending these houses into their surroundings  The support system these houses are on still lets the trees live and grow.

The full article is unbelievable click here to read it.

Roost Treehouse is designed to blend fully into its natural surroundingsRoost comprises several pod-like capsules

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Fire Wall

(Part) Invented by Mike Pallson the Fire Wall is a musical invention. It is a spandex held by a wooden frame that is held in place by another metal frame.  The Fire Wall creates music with the user's touch with a Microsoft Kinect motion camera measuring the depth of the spandex and adjusting the music's volume accordingly (Mike also created the light affects). The music for the first setting is a song on the piano while the second setting plays a harsher tone. The video and article are awesome!

Click here for the Fire Wall article

Click here for the video
Aaron Sherwood and Mike Pallison have created a performance membrane called Firewall, wher...

Monday, December 17, 2012

Social Bookmarking

What's another way we can organize your computers? What about email? Your Favorite Websites? Your Blog Posts? RSS Feeds? Reply to this post with specific ways, websites that can help you, and anything else you would want to add.

I can organize my computer by creating folders and storing all of my documents into their corresponding folders. I can organize my email by adding tags to the email and creating circles between the people who email me. I can also organize my blog posts and my RSS feeds by date and have the older posts be last on my list. 

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Aeroscraft airship

It is only a prototype the aeroscraft is 260 feet long which is only supposed to be half the length of the final creation. Though the prototype cannot carry people, it can be used to carry freight. The aeroscraft is also able to have complete verticle take off and landing. Full article here

Artists rendering of the AeroscraftAeroscraft prototype under construction

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Social Bookmarking

Social Bookmarking is a way of keeping track of events and sharing them with your friends.

It is easier to keep track of events

I could use it to plan parties etc.